image showing members image showing members The Association of Kom Youths in the USA We are committed to promoting our culture;
engaging our youth and empowering each other.
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Brian Chongwain, President Komnamites USA

Welcome Message From Our President

In the words of our pioneer President, Genesis Bangha… If you do not know this yet, then take it from me that:

You and I are the cream of the crop of Kom. You and I are a very lucky few from Kom. You and I are the chosen ones from Kom.

This is because we live in a country where we can become anything we choose, be it: engineers, nurses, doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, architects, pilots etc. This is your potential as well as mine. We cannot afford to misuse this potential.

We all have a burning desire to give back to Kom in whatever capacity we can. We all have a burning desire and passion to leave Kom in a way better shape than we met it. We all have that pride of place and yearn for that sense of belonging. Because of that, Kom is lucky to have you as sons and daughters. And because of that, the future of Kom is bright.

However, we cannot give back willingly, effortlessly and consistently when we are not professionally grounded and financially stable. This is why it is absolutely imperative that we empower ourselves first.

The main goal of Komnamites is to empower ourselves and then the Kom land. We intend to do this by: sharing critical information among registered members on career paths, scholarships, jobs, immigration, and responsible life choices (health, Life Insurance etc.). Mentorship and counseling are going to be our cornerstone goal. We want to create awareness of different career paths as well as make navigation through them easier for our members. It is common knowledge that your arrival point and choice of mentor/advisor upon arrival in the US plays an important role in your success. Thus we want to create a positive impact for members through such mentorship and counseling opportunities.

The challenges of life do not spare us; even the most affluent and educated here in a foreign land. Thus it is our commitment to stand by our members in times of difficulties; being each other’s keeper.

Through these above-mentioned actions, we can individually and collectively reach our highest potentials. It is only when we are grounded professionally and stable financially that we can give back willingly, effortlessly, and consistently.

If you are a Kom youth/young adult in the US and you dearly love Kom and share this vision, please join us in making the Kom land better for the future. You can talk to me or any one of the executive members on registering. Together we are stronger and can achieve great things.

Brian Chongwain

Get In Touch With Komnamites

Komnamites is a group of passionate and dedicated Kom youths and young adults committed to promoting their culture; engaging the youths, and empowering and motivating one another.

+1 (210) 663-0020

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